March-April 2020

Recent gifts to the Foundation*

Richard Alpert
Ryan Calvert
Donna Cameron
Ray Echevarria
James Eidson
Laurie English
David Escamilla
Carrie Farley in memory of Don Moore
Gerald Fohn in memory of Charlotte Harris
Bob Gage
Dan Hagood
Jim Hicks
Seth Howards
Douglas Howell III
John Hubert
Bruce Isaacks
Charles Kimbrough
Pete Laney
Cheryl Lieck in honor of Eric Carcerano
Brett Ligon
Crawford Long in honor of Rusty Hardin
Doug Lowe
Lyn McClellan in honor of Marc Brown
Lyn McClellan in honor of John Jordan
Rick Miller in memory of William Earl English
Mindy Montford
J.T. Mora in honor of Jack Roady
J.T. Mora in honor of Michael J. Guarino
J.T. Mora in honor of Kurt Sistrunk
Murray Newman
Denise Oncken
Rene Pena
Lisa Peterson
Walter Pinegar
Steven Reis
Daphne Session
Jane Starnes
Johnny Sutton
Marcus Taylor
John Terrill
F. Duncan Thomas
Bill Torrey in honor of Ken Sparks, Jay Johannes, and Carolyn Olson
David Weeks
David WIlliams