Rob Kepple
The Foundation exists to support the mission of TDCAA to train and support today’s Texas prosecutors. We know that grant funding can go a long way, but we want Texas prosecutors to be the best in the nation, so we continue to strive to find the resources to do the job.
I am proud that the Foundation is able to support the recently completed Advanced Trial Advocacy Course at the Baylor College of Law. This is one of our best courses, and it draws major support from the Foundation. We all know that the job of a prosecutor has gotten more complicated. We no longer just try our cases and move to the next. We pay attention and devote resources to all sorts of issues in our criminal justice system, from pre-trial services to diversions to sex offender civil commitment to victim services. Our offices have become pivot points for reform of the criminal justice system.
And that is good and right. But there is one constant to this job: When it is time to stand and announce, “The State is ready, Your Honor,” we have to be the best. We have to truly be in command of the courtroom and have the skills needed to fight for justice. This course is designed with that in mind. This year we again had students from all over the state, from Pecos to Beaumont and everywhere in between, and faculty from all over the country. These prosecutors learn from the best to be the best. We couldn’t do it without the Foundation and your support.
Thanks to Dean Brad Toben at Baylor for allowing us to use the school’s wonderful facilities. It is a world-class environment for trial advocacy skills, and the dean’s continued enthusiasm for our program is very gratifying!