July-August 2022

Hinton scholarships awarded

By Rob Kepple
TDCAF & TDCAA Executive Director in Austin

We are very pleased to report that the Foundation awarded five TDCAA members with full scholarships to attend our Annual Criminal & Civil Law Conference in September.

            I want to thank Chuck Rosenthal, former District Attorney in Harris County, who organized the fundraising behind the Michael Hinton Memorial Scholarship Fund. Mike was quite a figure in the courthouse, and I am sure he’d be pleased that prosecutors who otherwise couldn’t get the training they need will be at the conference this September.

TPS invitations are out!

It’s that time of year. Yes, much like the anticipation those in Hollywood feel when Oscar nominations are made public, you might be eagerly anticipating your nomination to join the Texas Prosecutors Society. In 2022, several lucky current and former prosecutors will get the golden envelope in the mail with their invitation to join this august group. The Society exists to honor those who have contributed to prosecution with a passion, and to continue that passion by contributing $2,500 over 10 years to an endowment fund to support TDCAA’s training efforts. That endowment fund is closing in on $700,000 and represents the promise of excellence in training and support for the profession well into the future. Congratulations to these chosen few!