By Rob Kepple
TDCAF & TDCAA Executive Director in Austin
Invitations to join the Texas Prosecutors Society (TPS) in the Class of 2023 are out, so keep an eye on the mail! The Society was formed in 2010 as a way to honor those who have supported excellence in our profession and esteemed allied professionals, as well as raise funds for an endowment to support TDCAA’s training efforts. The Foundation Board nominates people to join TPS, and membership is by invitation only.
TPS members gather each year for a reception the same week as our Elected Prosecutor Conference; this year, it will be held on Wednesday, November 29 in Frisco.
Jalayne Robinson, TDCAA Victim Services Director
One of the TDCAA programs the Foundation supports is our effort to train victim assistance coordinators (VACs). That job is ably done by Jalayne Robinson, a former VAC in the Wood County CDA’s Office. Jalayne has done a marvelous job to support our members when they are in need and loves to get calls from y’all. I want to give her a shout-out just so she knows people talk about her behind her back—like the glowing letter I recently got from Milam County and District Attorney Bill Torrey, who offered his praise for Jalayne after she jumped in to assist his staff with a recent line-of-duty death. Well done, Jalayne!