Hiring, Prosecution, Law School

Looking to hire Texas law school students?

By Joe Hooker
TDCAA Assistant Training Director in Austin

Do you have open positions in the office or are you interested in starting an internship program? This list of contacts at all the law schools in the state will be a big help.

            Each link will take you to that law school’s Career Development page with information on posting jobs (which can be viewed both by law students and law school alumni), internships, externships, and career fairs. Also included is information on conducting on-campus interviews, many of which are done by Zoom now, which is a big help for those prosecutor offices far away from the nearest law school campus.

            Don’t hesitate to reach out to any or all of these contacts for assistance.

Baylor Law School: https://law.baylor.edu/career-development/employers/post-job

Kristine Bridges, Assistant Dean of Career Development

[email protected]


Dedman School of Law at ­Southern Methodist University: https://www.smu.edu/law/career-services/cso-job-posting-form

Laura Burstein, Assistant Dean for Public Interest & Pro Bono

[email protected]


South Texas College of Law Houston: https://www.stcl.edu/current-students/career-resource-center/employers/

Noor Ismail, Assistant Director of Employer Relations

[email protected]


St. Mary’s University School of Law: https://law.stmarytx.edu/career-strategy/for-employers/

Veronica Elizalde, Director of Employer Engagement

[email protected]


Texas A&M University School of Law: https://www.law.tamu.edu/for-employers/index.html

Melissa Davis, Director of Employer Relations & Development

[email protected]


Texas Southern University Thurgood Marshall School of Law: https://www.tsulaw.edu/career/employer_services.html

Jamina Scippio-McFadden, Office of Career and Professional Development

[email protected]


Texas Tech University School of Law: https://www.depts.ttu.edu/law/careers/employers/post-a-job.php

Kayla Wimberley, Assistant Dean of Career & Professional Development

[email protected]


University of Houston Law Center: https://www.law.uh.edu/career/

Bill Powers, Director, Judicial Clerkship & Externship Programs’[email protected]


University of Texas School of Law: https://law.utexas.edu/careers/employers/

Amanda Huston, Career Services Office

[email protected]


UNT Dallas College of Law: https://www.untdallas.edu/lawschool/students/ocpd.php

Courteney Harris, Assistant Dean for Career and Professional Development

[email protected]
