TDCAF News, Foundation
September-October 2024

“Noblesse oblige, Bubba”

By Rob Kepple
TDCAF & TDCAA Executive Director in Austin

Many years ago I attended a State Bar committee meeting. The committee was dedicated to exploring how to deliver legal services to indigent criminal defendants, and it was made up mostly of well-heeled defense attorneys and a few prosecutors. Tom Krampitz, my dear friend, mentor, and former executive director of our association, and I were part of the lively discussion. 

             At one point the conversation devolved into a bitch session by one of the defense attorneys, who griped mightily about just how expensive it was to run his law practice—how could he possibly afford to work on the cheap for indigent defendants? After what seemed like an hour of complaints, Tom dead-panned a classic retort to the rant that quieted the room:

            “Noblesse oblige, Bubba.” The obligation of nobility, delivered in French with a Texas spin.

            A deep chortle ran through the room as people tried not to laugh out loud.

            I am thrilled that so many people sought to join the Texas Prosecutors Society in 2024—16 folks and counting, and the final list will be announced soon. The Society works to build an endowment for the future. We indeed work in an honored profession, and we must aspire to lead and grow the profession however we can. I want to thank all of you who continue to make the growth of this profession a priority, especially our outstanding Foundation Board of Trustees. And thanks, Tom, for delivering a classic line at the perfect moment.