Richard Alpert
Bobby Bland
Kathy Braddock in memory of Don Davis and in honor of Devon Anderson
Don Clemmer
Michael Criswell
John Dodson
J. Kevin Dutton
David Finney in memory of Dolena Westergard
Tad Fowler
Larry Gist
Elizabeth Godwin
Lynn Hardaway
Luke Inman
Micheal Jimerson
Ed Jones
Rob Kepple in memory of Alberto Byington
Doug Lowe
Lyn McClellan in honor of Judge Denise Bradley, Bill Hawkins, and Ken Magidson
Amanda Navarette
Jack Roady
B.J. Shepherd
Stephen Smith
Jane Starnes
Jaime Tijerina
Bob Wortham
*gifts received between June 2 and August 4, 2017