Richard Alpert
Gordon Armstrong
Kristen Barnebey
Traci Bennett
Dustin Boyd
Kenda Culpepper
Don Davis
Laurie English
David Escamilla
David Finney in memory of Lowell Thompson
John Fleming
Bert Graham
Russell Hardin, Jr.
John Hubert
Luke Inman
Rob Kepple in memory of Jacqui Saburido
Rob Kepple in memory of David Hajek
Rob Kepple in memory of JD Lambright
Lisa Knight
Crawford Long in memory of Doug Mulder
Crawford Long in honor of Russell Ormesher
Doug Lowe
Lyn McClellan in memory of Sid Crowley
Lyn McClellan in honor of Marie Munier
Lyn McClellan in honor of Jim Larkin
Richard Miller
Logan Pickett
Steven Reis
Stephen Smith
Beth Toben
Bill Turner
David Williams in memory of Louis Crump
Vic Wisner
(Gifts received between February 2 and June 7, 2019)