Recent gifts, TDCAF News
September-October 2023

Recent gifts to the Foundation*

Joe Bailey II

Kriste Burnett

Rex Cole, M.D. in memory of Michael McCormick

Michael Criswell

Scott Durfee

Erin Faseler

David Finney

Gretchen Flader

John Fleming

Carlos Garcia

Bert Graham in memory of Jim Larkin

Michael Guarino II in memory of Jeff Van Horn

Roger Haseman

Michael Jarrett

Ed Jones

Rob Kepple in memory of Michael McCormick

Rob Kepple in honor of Randall Sims

Rob Kepple in honor of Beth Toben

Audrey Louis

Barry Macha in memory of Jeff Van Horn

Barry Macha in memory of Michael McCormick

Dewey Mitchell

Clinton Morgan

Kevin Petroff

Ken Sparks

Sunshine Stanek

Zack Wavrusa

* gifts received between June 3 and August 4, 2023