Texas prosecutors know that some of the most difficult and most common offenses they handle will involve domestic violence. TDCAA’s Domestic Violence Seminar will arm prosecutors with the tools and information they need to successfully review, charge, and resolve these cases. From the mechanics of protective orders to the phases of trial, each class is practical in nature and narrow of scope. Rather than broadly survey the issue of domestic violence, this seminar is designed to level-up prosecutors and allied professionals in their mission to see that justice is done.
To make reservations at the $119 group rate, call (737) 444-2700 or visit the TDCAA reservation page. You must mention TDCAA in order to get the discounted rate. Rates are available until March 20 or until the block is sold out, whichever comes first. This hotel offers complimentary self parking and complimentary internet.
Click here to download course materials. This password will be sent to registered attendees one week prior to the event.
Click here to evaluate each speaker. This link will be live during and after the conference.
TDCAA will reimburse only eligible prosecutors and prosecutor office employees up to $40 per night for three nights’ stay at a hotel and up to $20 a day for meals not provided at the conference. TDCAA will not reimburse for travel, registration fees, hotel tax, parking, taxi costs, or other extraordinary expenses. All meals not provided by TDCAA and other expenses are your own.