CANCELLED – Guarding Texas Highways: Revisiting Impaired Driving Investigation & Prosecution – Bridgeport

This course has been cancelled and will not take place on 9/27/2024.

TDCAA is proud to offer this free, high-quality Guarding Texas Highways: Revisiting Impaired Driving Investigation and Prosecution training for peace officers and prosecutors to attend in Bridgeport on September 27, 2024. You will receive two publications and 6 hours of CLE or TCOLE continuing education credit.

This course is specifically designed for prosecutors and officers to attend together. It revisits the DWI case using the four steps in DWI investigation. If the initial traffic stop is suppressed, the whole case fails, so making valid stops is covered in the first segment. But it does not end there. Often the traffic violation gets sold short in trial, so this segment will also focus on presenting the vehicle in motion to a jury. Likewise, personal contact with the driver and SFSTs will get the same treatment. Finally, the course will cover getting and using breath and blood samples.

This course is perfect for new officers and prosecutors, but it was also created for experienced folks who need to revisit and expand their skills.