Worst Case Scenario: Impaired Driving Cases from Crash to Courtroom – New Braunfels

Registration for this course will open on March 24, 2025. Registration will close first thing in the morning on May 19, 2025.

TDCAA is proud to offer this free, high-quality Worst Case Scenario: Impaired Driving Crashes from Crash to Courtroom training for peace officers and prosecutors to attend in New Braunfels on May 23, 2025. You will receive two publications and 6 hours of CLE or TCOLE continuing education credit. 

As always, the state’s best instructors will present great information and lead relevant discussions. 

There is no worse place to investigate a homicide than in the middle of a busy road in the middle of the night. Yet Texas has thousands of such crime scenes every year. Investigating and prosecuting these cases is no easy task. Once the scene is cleared, you can never go back and revisit it, so conducting a full investigation in the moment is key to the criminal case. 

This course is a survey of common investigative and legal issues in impaired-driving prosecutions. Great focus is placed on the responsibilities of the first investigating officer and how his actions form the case’s foundations for crash investigators, the grand jury, and the prosecutor preparing to try the case. 

Information on basic scene preservation, evidence preservation, scene documentation, witness interviews, crash reconstruction, blood evidence collection, and dealing with victims will all be included. 

This course is designed for prosecutors new to intoxication manslaughter cases and officers new to impaired driving crash investigations—yet it is also a great review and update for officers and prosecutors well-versed in these cases.