Bill Status Report
02-28-2025 - 21:14:55

- Indicates action since the request date.

Track: CCP   

HB 155   Raymond, Richard Relating to the confidentiality of certain autopsy records.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed
02-27-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Public Health

HB 162   Cain, Briscoe Relating to prohibiting the recognition, service, and enforcement of extreme risk protective orders.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed
02-27-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House State Affairs

HB 234   Johnson, Ann Relating to extreme risk protective orders.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed
02-27-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Criminal Jurisprudence

HB 246   Guillen, Ryan Relating to landowner compensation for certain damage to or on agricultural land caused by certain criminal activities.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed
02-27-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House State Affairs

HB 260   Lalani, Suleman Relating to prohibiting sex offenders from purchasing firearms.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed
02-27-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Homeland, Public Safety, Veterans' A

HB 272   Perez, Mary Ann Relating to the prosecution of the offense of fraudulent use or possession of credit card or debit card information.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed
02-27-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Pensions/Investments/Financial Servi

HB 280   Thompson, Senfronia Relating to the authority of a court to terminate the sentence of certain persons released on parole.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed
02-27-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Corrections

HB 305   Hayes, Richard Relating to the time period for conducting a pretrial hearing after a criminal defendant has been restored to competency.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed
02-28-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Criminal Jurisprudence

HB 333   Gonzalez, Mary Relating to the authority of the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo to commission peace officers.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed
02-28-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Subcommittee on State-Federal Relati

HB 368   Landgraf, Brooks Relating to a prohibition on remotely controlling electronic devices of certain individuals and to the criminal prosecution of that conduct.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed
02-28-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Subcommittee on Family and Fiduciary

HB 380   Guillen, Ryan Relating to the applicability of sex offender registration requirements to the offense of improper relationship between educator and student.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed
02-28-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Criminal Jurisprudence

HB 394   Johnson, Ann Relating to the admissibility of certain hearsay statements in the prosecution of certain sexual or assaultive offenses committed against a child or person with a disability.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed
02-28-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Criminal Jurisprudence

HB 413   Jones, Jolanda Relating to the release of certain defendants detained in jail pending trial.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed
02-28-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Criminal Jurisprudence

HB 417   Bucy, John Relating to early voting by mail by any qualified voter and to the repeal of certain criminal offenses concerning the solicitation and distribution of an application to vote by mail.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed
02-28-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Elections

HB 444   Moody, Joe Relating to an application for a writ of habeas corpus based on certain relevant scientific evidence that was not available at the applicant's trial.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed
02-28-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Criminal Jurisprudence

HB 454   Bucy, John Relating to abolishing the death penalty.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed
02-28-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Criminal Jurisprudence

HB 463   Jones, Jolanda Relating to the automatic expunction of arrest records and files after certain controlled substance offense charges are dismissed.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed
02-28-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Criminal Jurisprudence

HB 478   Goodwin, Vikki Relating to extreme risk protective orders.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed
02-28-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Criminal Jurisprudence

HB 486   Bucy, John Relating to prohibiting the publication of certain criminal record information of individuals involved in the criminal justice system.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed
02-28-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Homeland, Public Safety, Veterans' A

HB 498   Meza, Terry Relating to requiring a person convicted of an offense involving family violence or a person who is the subject of a family violence protective order to surrender firearms owned by the person.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed
02-28-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Homeland, Public Safety, Veterans' A

HB 502   Flores, Lulu Relating to the confidentiality of identifying information of victims of certain offenses.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 507   Gervin-Hawkins, Barbara Relating to policies and standards for providing legal representation to indigent defendants in certain capital felony cases.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 525   Vasut, Cody Relating to a subpoena to compel the attendance of certain peace officers who are witnesses in a misdemeanor case punishable by fine only.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 578   Moody, Joe Relating to certain sentencing procedures in a capital case.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 605   Jones, Jolanda Relating to the authority of the Harris County Hospital District to employ and commission peace officers.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 624   Thompson, Senfronia Relating to the placement on community supervision, including deferred adjudication community supervision, of a defendant who is the primary caretaker of a child.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 626   Bell, Cecil Relating to granting limited state law enforcement authority to certain federal law enforcement officers.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 628   Meza, Terry Relating to early voting by mail by any qualified voter and to the repeal of certain criminal offenses concerning the solicitation and distribution of an application to vote by mail.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 651   Moody, Joe Relating to abolishing the death penalty.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 655   Reynolds, Ron Relating to extreme risk protective orders.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 656   Thompson, Senfronia Relating to law enforcement policies regarding the issuance of citations for misdemeanors punishable by fine only and to a limitation on the authority to arrest a person for certain fine-only misdemeanors.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 658   Tepper, Carl Relating to the carrying of weapons by community supervision and corrections department officers, juvenile probation officers, and certain retired law enforcement officers and to criminal liability.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 688   Thompson, Senfronia Relating to the applicability of the death penalty to a capital offense committed by a person with an intellectual disability.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 764   Vasut, Cody Relating to increasing the minimum term of imprisonment and changing the eligibility for community supervision, mandatory supervision, and parole for persons convicted of intoxication manslaughter.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 770   Lalani, Suleman Relating to prohibiting a sex offender from possessing a firearm.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 773   Moody, Joe Relating to the authority of a court to grant a commutation of punishment to certain individuals serving a term of imprisonment.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 833   Moody, Joe Relating to credit toward a defendant's sentence for time confined in jail or prison before sentencing.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 857   Moody, Joe Relating to requiring certain persons prohibited by law from owning, possessing, or controlling a firearm to dispose of firearms owned, possessed, or controlled by the person.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 858   Thompson, Senfronia Relating to the date on which certain persons placed on deferred adjudication community supervision are eligible to file a petition for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 864   Thompson, Senfronia Relating to the procedure for an application for a writ of habeas corpus based on certain new evidence.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 867   Jones, Jolanda Relating to the dismissal of a criminal case by the attorney representing the state.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 870   Thompson, Senfronia Relating to requiring the corroboration of certain testimony in a criminal case involving a controlled substance.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 888   Thompson, Senfronia Relating to the duty of a peace officer to request and render aid for an injured person.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 893   Moody, Joe Relating to extreme risk protective orders.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 908   Spiller, David Relating to the reporting by law enforcement agencies of missing children to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 910   DeAyala, Emilio Relating to the venue for the prosecution of an election offense.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 916   Harrison, Brian Relating to the tracking, reporting, and disposition of proceeds and property from asset forfeiture proceedings under the Code of Criminal Procedure.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 933   Spiller, David Relating to the jurisdiction of the Texas Supreme Court and the Court of Criminal Appeals.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 945   Spiller, David Relating to the authority of a justice of the peace to issue a search warrant to collect a blood specimen from a person arrested for certain intoxication criminal offenses.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 956   Garcia Hernandez, Cassandra(F) Relating to the reporting of certain orders and convictions to the Department of Public Safety and Federal Bureau of Investigation for use with the National Instant Criminal Background.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 958   Toth, Steve Relating to a district or county attorney participating as counsel in certain proceedings in federal court.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 1068   Dorazio, Mark Relating to law enforcement reports concerning certain arrest information of persons who are not lawfully present in the United States.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 1140   Oliverson, Tom Relating to prohibiting a registered sex offender from residing within a certain distance of a public primary or secondary school.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 1167   Cunningham, Charles Relating to the release on bail of certain defendants accused of committing a felony offense and the criminal consequences of committing a felony while released on bail for a prior felony.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 1194   Manuel, Christian Relating to the period during which an order for emergency protection remains in effect.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 1215   Schatzline, Nate Relating to the prosecution of the offenses of indecency with a child and sexual assault.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 1221   Lozano, Jose Relating to increasing the reimbursement fee for certain expenses related to pretrial intervention programs.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 1222   Thompson, Senfronia Relating to postconviction forensic DNA testing.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 1261   Cunningham, Charles Relating to the disposition of abandoned or unclaimed property seized by a peace officer.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 1264   Schatzline, Nate Relating to the prosecution of the offenses of indecency with a child and sexual assault.
Bill History: 11-13-24 H Filed

HB 1274   Gonzalez, Mary Relating to intelligence databases for combinations, criminal street gangs, and foreign terrorist organizations.
Bill History: 11-13-24 H Filed

HB 1291   Thompson, Senfronia Relating to the consideration of a subsequent writ of habeas corpus in certain felony cases.
Bill History: 11-13-24 H Filed

HB 1303   Hopper, Andy (F) Relating to certain criminal offenses involving illegal entry into or illegal presence in this state by a person who is an alien, including the enforcement of those offenses.
Bill History: 11-13-24 H Filed

HB 1352   Meza, Terry Relating to a law enforcement agency policy regarding the discharge of a firearm by a peace officer at or in the direction of a moving vehicle.
Bill History: 11-15-24 H Filed

HB 1391   Hopper, Andy (F) Relating to the prosecution and punishment of certain trafficking and sexual offenses.
Bill History: 11-18-24 H Filed

HB 1401   Harris, Cody Relating to the applicability of sex offender registration requirements to the offense of improper relationship between educator and student.
Bill History: 11-19-24 H Filed

HB 1414   Allen, Alma Relating to the punishment for the offense of driving while license invalid.
Bill History: 11-19-24 H Filed

HB 1418   Schatzline, Nate Relating to the use of in-custody informant testimony in a criminal trial.
Bill History: 11-20-24 H Filed

HB 1426   Bucy, John Relating to a prohibition on the issuance or enforcement of a search warrant, subpoena, or other court order for certain menstrual health data.
Bill History: 11-20-24 H Filed

HB 1445   Hernandez, Ana Relating to the compensation of counsel appointed to provide representation and services to indigent individuals in criminal and juvenile proceedings.
Bill History: 11-21-24 H Filed

HB 1455   Jones, Jolanda Relating to the collection and reporting of information regarding mental health jail diversion.
Bill History: 11-22-24 H Filed

HB 1461   Frank, James Relating to the confinement or detention of certain individuals in a county jail or other facility operated by or for the county and to the compensation to the county for the costs of that confinement.
Bill History: 11-22-24 H Filed

HB 1465   Hickland, Hillary (F) Relating to the prosecution of the criminal offense of invasive visual recording and the applicability of sex offender registration requirements to that offense.
Bill History: 11-25-24 H Filed

HB 1511   Hickland, Hillary (F) Relating to the authority of a political subdivision to adopt or enforce a juvenile curfew.
Bill History: 12-04-24 H Filed

HB 1604   Bucy, John Relating to public access to criminal proceedings.
Bill History: 12-12-24 H Filed

HB 1650   Canales, Terry Relating to a special bill of review to reform a final judgment of forfeiture of a bail bond.
Bill History: 12-18-24 H Filed

HB 1653   Schatzline, Nate Relating to the prosecution of the criminal offense of possession or promotion of child pornography.
Bill History: 12-18-24 H Filed

HB 1666   Canales, Terry Relating to the expunction of arrest records and files relating to certain nonviolent misdemeanor offenses.
Bill History: 12-18-24 H Filed

HB 1668   Gerdes, Stan Relating to increasing the criminal penalty for the offense of enticing a child and to the applicability of sex offender registration requirements to that offense.
Bill History: 12-18-24 H Filed

HB 1678   Canales, Terry Relating to the collection and disclosure of certain public information.
Bill History: 12-19-24 H Filed

HB 1686   Hull, Lacey Relating to victims of sex offenses, sex-based human trafficking offenses, or acts of a sexual nature and to the confidentiality of or restrictions on the availability of certain property.
Bill History: 12-20-24 H Filed

HB 1720   Gervin-Hawkins, Barbara Relating to the creation of the criminal offense of trespass in a facility housing an animal and to restitution for property damage resulting from that trespass.
Bill History: 01-02-25 H Filed

HB 1740   Tepper, Carl Relating to requiring a search warrant for certain fire, health, or code inspections.
Bill History: 01-06-25 H Filed

HB 1741   Johnson, Ann Relating to certain proceedings and supervision following certain adjudications occurring in a criminal case.
Bill History: 01-06-25 H Filed

HB 1752   Manuel, Christian Relating to a limitation on public access by livestream or videoconference to certain criminal proceedings involving evidence depicting an act of a sexual nature.
Bill History: 01-07-25 H Filed

HB 1754   Manuel, Christian Relating to the minimum duration of certain protective orders.
Bill History: 01-07-25 H Filed

HB 1760   Leach, Jeff Relating to increasing the minimum term of imprisonment and changing the eligibility for community supervision, mandatory supervision, and parole for persons convicted of intoxication manslaughter.
Bill History: 01-07-25 H Filed

HB 1762   Leach, Jeff Relating to changing the eligibility of certain persons to receive community supervision, including deferred adjudication community supervision.
Bill History: 01-07-25 H Filed

HB 1763   Rosenthal, Jon Relating to repealing certain offenses and removing certain regulations relating to marihuana, cannabis, cannabinoids, synthetic cannabinoids, and paraphernalia.
Bill History: 01-07-25 H Filed

HB 1765   Jones, Jolanda Relating to the issuance of an arrest warrant or search warrant authorizing the use of a no-knock entry by a peace officer.
Bill History: 01-07-25 H Filed

HB 1778   Thompson, Senfronia Relating to human trafficking, prostitution, and child pornography and to the prosecution of sexual or assaultive offenses or the prosecution of a failure to stop or report those offenses.
Bill History: 01-08-25 H Filed

HB 1801   Bhojani, Salman Relating to the definition of authorized peace officer for purposes of certain laws governing the installation and use of tracking equipment and access to certain communications.
Bill History: 01-09-25 H Filed

HB 1817   Harrison, Brian Relating to the deregulation of certain activities and occupations.
Bill History: 01-10-25 H Filed

HB 1820   Bowers, Rhetta Relating to the expunction of arrest records and files when a grand jury fails to find that probable cause exists to believe the alleged offense was committed.
Bill History: 01-13-25 H Filed

HB 1824   Bowers, Rhetta Related to monitoring domestic violence offenders through advanced tracking systems to enhance victim safety.
Bill History: 01-13-25 H Filed

HB 1847   Collier, Nicole Relating to a maximum allowable caseload for certain attorneys.
Bill History: 01-15-25 H Filed

HB 1852   Collier, Nicole Relating to authority of a court to reduce or modify a defendant's sentence.
Bill History: 01-15-25 H Filed

HB 1853   Moody, Joe Relating to the availability of certain information regarding persons who provide materials used in the execution of a convict.
Bill History: 01-15-25 H Filed

HB 1866   Lujan, John Relating to the state law enforcement authority of federal National Park Service law enforcement officers.
Bill History: 01-15-25 H Filed

HB 1891   Cook, David Relating to the offense of invasive visual recording of a minor, including the statute of limitations for that offense and the applicability of sex offender registration requirements to that offense.
Bill History: 01-16-25 H Filed

HB 1904   Canales, Terry Relating to the release of a balloon and associated littering.
Bill History: 01-16-25 H Filed

HB 1913   Schatzline, Nate Relating to prohibiting a registered sex offender in certain circumstances from going within a certain distance of the residence of a victim of any offense committed by the offender.
Bill History: 01-16-25 H Filed

HB 1950   Capriglione, Giovanni Relating to the consolidated municipal court building security and technology fund in certain municipalities.
Bill History: 01-17-25 H Filed

HB 1953   Thompson, Senfronia Relating to rights of crime victims and the enforcement of those rights.
Bill History: 01-17-25 H Filed

HB 1975   Cook, David Relating to victims of sex offenses, sex-based human trafficking offenses, or acts of a sexual nature and to the confidentiality of or restrictions on the availability of certain property, material.
Bill History: 01-22-25 H Filed

HB 1977   Cook, David Relating to the admissibility of evidence of certain extraneous offenses or acts in the prosecution of sexual assault or aggravated sexual assault or an attempt or conspiracy to commit sexual assault.
Bill History: 01-22-25 H Filed

HB 2000   Ashby, Trent Relating to the applicability of sex offender registration requirements to the offense of child grooming.
Bill History: 01-22-25 H Filed

HB 2006   Plesa, Mihaela Relating to the expunction of arrest records and files by a statutory county court.
Bill History: 01-22-25 H Filed

HB 2017   Gerdes, Stan Relating to increasing the minimum term of imprisonment and changing the eligibility for community supervision, mandatory supervision, and parole for certain persons convicted of intoxication manslaughter.
Bill History: 01-22-25 H Filed

HB 2042   Plesa, Mihaela Relating to automatic expunction of arrest records and files for certain persons who are tried for an offense and subsequently acquitted and to the provision of certain records relating to that expunction.
Bill History: 01-23-25 H Filed

HB 2045   Davis, Aicha (F) Relating to automatic expunction of arrest records and files for certain persons who are tried for an offense and subsequently acquitted.
Bill History: 01-23-25 H Filed

HB 2046   Davis, Aicha (F) Relating to an affirmative finding of family violence entered in the trial of certain offenses.
Bill History: 01-23-25 H Filed

HB 2066   Virdell, Wes (F) Relating to the expunction of arrest records and files for certain defendants placed on deferred adjudication community supervision for the unlawful carrying of a handgun.
Bill History: 01-24-25 H Filed

HB 2136   Bhojani, Salman Relating to design and use of a model criminal citation.
Bill History: 01-28-25 H Filed

HB 2151   Capriglione, Giovanni Relating to the applicability of sex offender registration requirements to the offense of indecent assault.
Bill History: 01-28-25 H Filed

HB 2172   Harris, Cody Relating to a limitation on the use of certain unsubstantiated information relating to peace officer misconduct.
Bill History: 01-28-25 H Filed

HB 2177   Harless, Sam Relating to authorizing the disclosure of certain electronic customer data by a provider of an electronic communications service or a remote computing service in certain immediate life-threatening situations.
Bill History: 01-28-25 H Filed

HB 2178   Harless, Sam Relating to the emergency installation and use of a mobile tracking device on a vehicle by an authorized peace officer.
Bill History: 01-28-25 H Filed

HB 2180   Cunningham, Charles Relating to a waiver of the preservation of evidence and the return of a seized weapon in a criminal case.
Bill History: 01-28-25 H Filed

HB 2209   Bumgarner, Ben Relating to the period for which a person arrested for certain crimes committed against a child may be held after bond is posted.
Bill History: 01-29-25 H Filed

HB 2227   Hinojosa, Gina Relating to the period for transporting a criminal defendant who is found incompetent to stand trial to a facility for competency restoration services and to the compensation to the county for the costs.
Bill History: 01-29-25 H Filed

HB 2229   Hernandez, Ana Relating to the expunction of arrest records and files by a statutory county court.
Bill History: 01-29-25 H Filed

HB 2237   Dutton, Harold Relating to abolishing the death penalty.
Bill History: 01-29-25 H Filed

HB 2282   Lopez, Janie Relating to the amount of the reimbursement fee paid by a defendant for a peace officer's services in executing or processing an arrest warrant, capias, or capias pro fine.
Bill History: 01-30-25 H Filed

HB 2306   Villalobos, Denise (F) Relating to changing the eligibility for release on parole of certain inmates serving sentences for trafficking offenses involving child victims and disabled individuals.
Bill History: 01-31-25 H Filed

HB 2309   Villalobos, Denise (F) Relating to the forfeiture of certain contraband and the authority of the attorney general to bring certain forfeiture actions.
Bill History: 01-31-25 H Filed

HB 2318   Thompson, Senfronia Relating to the establishment of a statewide human trafficking data repository within the office of the attorney general and to reporting of human trafficking data to the office of the attorney general.
Bill History: 01-31-25 H Filed

HB 2328   Orr, Angelia Relating to the procedures for the expunction of arrest records and files.
Bill History: 02-03-25 H Filed

HB 2333   Hopper, Andy (F) Relating to certain statutes of limitations for criminal offenses, including the statutes of limitations for felony offenses relating to an election conducted in this state.
Bill History: 02-03-25 H Filed

HB 2341   Allen, Alma Relating to the award of diligent participation credit to defendants confined in a state jail felony facility.
Bill History: 02-03-25 H Filed

HB 2348   Capriglione, Giovanni Relating to the video recording of a deposition taken of the testimony of certain elderly or disabled persons in a criminal case.
Bill History: 02-03-25 H Filed

HB 2355   Fairly, Caroline (F) Relating to requests for law enforcement agency reports from the attorney general related to crime victims compensation applications.
Bill History: 02-03-25 H Filed

HB 2363   Patterson, Jared Relating to the authority of certain peace officers to arrest a person without a warrant while outside the officer's jurisdiction.
Bill History: 02-03-25 H Filed

HB 2383   Plesa, Mihaela Relating to the use of metal or body armor while committing an offense.
Bill History: 02-04-25 H Filed

HB 2407   Capriglione, Giovanni Relating to increasing the criminal penalty for the failure of certain sex offenders to comply with sex offender registration requirements.
Bill History: 02-04-25 H Filed

HB 2417   Campos, Liz Relating to the eligibility of certain wrongfully imprisoned persons for compensation and for the expunction of arrest records and files in the case.
Bill History: 02-04-25 H Filed

HB 2430   Capriglione, Giovanni Relating to prohibiting sex offenders from residing or loitering within a certain distance of certain locations where children commonly gather and from participating in certain Halloween activities.
Bill History: 02-05-25 H Filed

HB 2448   Moody, Joe Relating to the waiver of a defendant's arraignment.
Bill History: 02-05-25 H Filed

HB 2449   Hickland, Hillary (F) Relating to discovery requirements for pro se defendants in a criminal case.
Bill History: 02-05-25 H Filed

HB 2492   Bowers, Rhetta Relating to the period for which a person arrested for certain crimes involving family violence may be held after bond is posted.
Bill History: 02-05-25 H Filed

HB 2497   Geren, Charlie Relating to the automatic expunction of arrest records and files for certain public safety employees who successfully complete a public safety employees treatment court program.
Bill History: 02-05-25 H Filed

HB 2507   Leach, Jeff Relating to automatic orders of nondisclosure of criminal history record information for certain misdemeanor defendants following successful completion of a period of deferred adjudication community supervision.
Bill History: 02-05-25 H Filed

HB 2566   Spiller, David Relating to the enforcement of state and federal immigration laws by state agencies, local entities, and peace officers.
Bill History: 02-07-25 H Filed

HB 2570   Bryant, John Relating to extreme risk protective orders and certain other protective orders prohibiting possession of a firearm.
Bill History: 02-07-25 H Filed

HB 2582   Hull, Lacey Relating to the rights of a victim, guardian of a victim, or close relative of a deceased victim to information regarding a defendant's parole.
Bill History: 02-07-25 H Filed

HB 2594   Metcalf, Will Relating to the venue for the prosecution of certain criminal conduct involving theft.
Bill History: 02-07-25 H Filed

HB 2596   Metcalf, Will Relating to the issuance of certain protective orders for certain burglary offenses.
Bill History: 02-07-25 H Filed

HB 2617   Anchia, Rafael Relating to the procedures for the expunction of arrest records and files for persons who complete certain court programs or pretrial intervention programs.
Bill History: 02-10-25 H Filed

HB 2622   Metcalf, Will Relating to the transport of female patients to a mental health facility or residential care facility.
Bill History: 02-10-25 H Filed

HB 2629   Rodriguez Ramos, Ana-Maria Relating to requiring a person convicted of an offense involving family violence or a person who is the subject of a protective order to surrender firearms owned by the person.
Bill History: 02-11-25 H Filed

HB 2637   DeAyala, Emilio Relating to the practice and procedures for summoning prospective grand jurors and petit jurors and the exemption of certain persons from grand jury and petit jury service.
Bill History: 02-11-25 H Filed

HB 2644   Dutton, Harold Relating to the amount of a fine and costs discharged by a defendant while confined in jail or engaged in labor.
Bill History: 02-11-25 H Filed

HB 2647   Dutton, Harold Relating to the establishment of the inmate legal services office and to the appointment and compensation of certain legal counsel for certain indigent inmates and other persons in secure correctional facilities.
Bill History: 02-11-25 H Filed

HB 2650   Bhojani, Salman Relating to the reporting of certain orders and convictions to the Department of Public Safety and Federal Bureau of Investigation for use with the National Instant Criminal Background Check System for the transfer of firearms.
Bill History: 02-11-25 H Filed

HB 2656   Virdell, Wes (F) Relating to motor vehicle stops by a peace officer operating an unmarked law enforcement motor vehicle.
Bill History: 02-11-25 H Filed

HB 2662   Davis, Aicha (F) Relating to the issuance of a warrant authorizing the use of a no-knock entry by a peace officer.
Bill History: 02-11-25 H Filed

HB 2697   Anchia, Rafael Relating to certain procedures in connection with a bond forfeiture.
Bill History: 02-12-25 H Filed

HB 2698   Anchia, Rafael Relating to the representation of certain indigent applicants for a writ of habeas corpus.
Bill History: 02-12-25 H Filed

HB 2705   Zwiener, Erin Relating to the protection of free speech rights at institutions of higher education, including the prosecution of offenses of trespass, damage, and defacement at certain institutions of higher education.
Bill History: 02-12-25 H Filed

HB 2726   Bhojani, Salman Relating to an argument before the jury after a subsequent jury charge in a criminal case.
Bill History: 02-12-25 H Filed

HB 2728   Dutton, Harold Relating to spoliation of evidence held for use in a criminal proceeding.
Bill History: 02-12-25 H Filed

HB 2777   Rose, Toni Relating to the applicability of the death penalty to a capital offense committed by a person with severe mental illness.
Bill History: 02-13-25 H Filed

HB 2794   Capriglione, Giovanni Relating to the admissibility of evidence regarding a victim's past sexual behavior in prosecutions of certain assaultive offenses.
Bill History: 02-13-25 H Filed

HB 2813   Alders, Daniel (F) Relating to victim notification of certain scheduled court proceedings.
Bill History: 02-13-25 H Filed

HB 2847   Dutton, Harold Relating to truancy and parental contribution to nonattendance of school.
Bill History: 02-14-25 H Filed

HB 2933   Dutton, Harold Relating to the restoration of civil rights to a criminal defendant.
Bill History: 02-18-25 H Filed

HB 2934   Dutton, Harold Relating to the charging instrument in the prosecution of the offense of resisting arrest.
Bill History: 02-18-25 H Filed

HB 2936   Dutton, Harold Relating to asset forfeiture proceedings under the Code of Criminal Procedure.
Bill History: 02-18-25 H Filed

HB 2956   McLaughlin, Don (F) Relating to a central database containing information about certain persons who have been convicted of or received a grant of deferred adjudication community supervision for certain offenses involving family violence.
Bill History: 02-18-25 H Filed

HB 2982   Zwiener, Erin Relating to law enforcement policies prohibiting a peace officer from using less lethal projectiles for the purpose of controlling the activity or movement of a gathering of people.
Bill History: 02-18-25 H Filed

HB 3028   Reynolds, Ron Relating to requiring notice regarding the potential eligibility to vote of certain persons convicted of a felony.
Bill History: 02-19-25 H Filed

HB 3074   Howard, Donna Relating to sexual assault and other sex offenses.
Bill History: 02-20-25 H Filed

HB 3098   Bell, Cecil Relating to increasing the criminal penalty for certain assaults committed against employees of primary and secondary schools and to the conditions of community supervision for that offense.
Bill History: 02-20-25 H Filed

HB 3110   Perez, Mary Ann Relating to civil asset forfeiture of digital currency or other similar property.
Bill History: 02-20-25 H Filed

HB 3111   Perez, Mary Ann Relating to the search of certain wireless communications devices by a peace officer.
Bill History: 02-20-25 H Filed

HB 3119   Johnson, Ann Relating to the preservation of evidence collected from a forensic medical examination for certain sexual assaults.
Bill History: 02-20-25 H Filed

HB 3123   Kitzman, Stan Relating to the powers and duties of a personal bond or personal bond and pretrial supervision office.
Bill History: 02-20-25 H Filed

HB 3166   Cook, David Relating to the authority of a court to grant a commutation of punishment to certain individuals serving a term of imprisonment and to victims' rights regarding a motion to grant a commutation.
Bill History: 02-21-25 H Filed

HB 3167   Cook, David Relating to the prosecution and punishment of the criminal offense of organized retail theft.
Bill History: 02-21-25 H Filed

HB 3177   Anchia, Rafael Relating to the peace officer status of designated investigators of a municipal office of inspector general
Bill History: 02-21-25 H Filed

HB 3193   Reynolds, Ron Relating to the punishment for intoxication assault and intoxication manslaughter.
Bill History: 02-21-25 H Filed

HB 3206   Hayes, Richard Relating to the sequestration of a jury in a criminal case.
Bill History: 02-21-25 H Filed

HB 3242   Moody, Joe Relating to the criminal and licensing consequences of certain offenses relating to the possession of marihuana, certain tetrahydrocannabinols, certain synthetic cannabinoids, and drug paraphernalia.
Bill History: 02-24-25 H Filed

HB 3268   Simmons, Lauren Ashley (F) Relating to the denial or reduction of an award otherwise payable under the Crime Victims' Compensation Act.
Bill History: 02-25-25 H Filed

HB 3330   Cook, David Relating to discovery in a criminal case.
Bill History: 02-25-25 H Filed

HB 3343   Ward Johnson, Charlene (F) Relating to the duties of peace officers investigating a family violence allegation or responding to a disturbance call that may involve family violence.
Bill History: 02-25-25 H Filed

HB 3351   King, Ken Relating to measures for ensuring public school safety, including the commissioning of peace officers by the Texas Education Agency, public school safety and security requirements, and the provision of safety-related resources.
Bill History: 02-25-25 H Filed

HB 3360   Cook, David Relating to the protection and detention of a juvenile who engages in delinquent conduct or commits a felony offense while committed to the custody of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department.
Bill History: 02-26-25 H Filed

HB 3362   Little, Mitch (F) Relating to grand jury proceedings.
Bill History: 02-26-25 H Filed

HB 3400   Schatzline, Nate Relating to the definition of a designated law enforcement office or agency for purposes of certain laws governing the installation and use of tracking equipment and access to certain communications.
Bill History: 02-26-25 H Filed

HB 3418   Morales, Eddie Relating to prohibitions on certain employment for sex offenders.
Bill History: 02-26-25 H Filed

HB 3439   Guillen, Ryan Relating to the powers and duties of the office of the attorney general with respect to certain laws governing the installation and use of tracking equipment and access to certain communications.
Bill History: 02-26-25 H Filed

HB 3449   Canales, Terry Relating to the reimbursement of expenses to certain counsel appointed to represent a defendant in a criminal proceeding.
Bill History: 02-26-25 H Filed

HJR 37   Thompson, Senfronia Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to enact laws providing for a court to terminate the sentence of a person who has successfully served the required number of years on parole.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HJR 60   Moody, Joe Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to enact laws providing for a court to grant a commutation of punishment to certain individuals serving a term of imprisonment.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HJR 84   Cunningham, Charles Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to set a minimum amount of monetary bond for persons charged with certain felony offenses involving violence.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HJR 113   Collier, Nicole Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to enact laws providing for a district court to reduce or modify a sentence imposing a term of imprisonment for a person.
Bill History: 01-15-25 H Filed

HJR 148   Cook, David Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to enact laws providing for a court to grant a commutation of punishment to certain individuals serving a term of imprisonment.
Bill History: 02-21-25 H Filed

SB 9   Huffman, Joan Relating to the release of defendants on bail, the duties of a magistrate in certain criminal proceedings, and the regulation of charitable bail organizations.
Bill History: 02-03-25 S Filed
02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice
02-12-25 S Meeting set for 8:00 A.M., E1.016 Senate Criminal Justice
02-12-25 S Laid out for consideration in committee Senate Criminal Justice
02-12-25 S Voted favorably from committee as substituted Senate Criminal Justice
02-13-25 S Reported from committee as substituted Senate Criminal Justice
02-18-25 S First placement on Senate Intent Calendar for
02-19-25 S Placed on the Senate Calendar for
02-19-25 S 0fmVHURbg14 (00:14:23)
02-19-25 S Committee substitute adopted
02-19-25 S 2 Floor amendment(s) adopted
02-19-25 S Passed (Vote: Y: 28/N: 2)
02-20-25 H Received in the House

SB 54   Zaffirini, Judith Relating to the extension of the period of community supervision for certain defendants who fail to pay a previously assessed fine or cost.
Bill History: 11-12-24 S Filed
02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 127   Hall, Bob Relating to the offense of failure to report child abuse or neglect by certain professionals and the statute of limitations for that offense.
Bill History: 11-12-24 S Filed
02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 145   Menendez, Jose Relating to early voting by mail by any qualified voter and to the repeal of certain criminal offenses concerning the solicitation and distribution of an application to vote by mail.
Bill History: 11-12-24 S Filed
02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate State Affairs

SB 189   Menendez, Jose Relating to a criminal offense committed against a person because of bias or prejudice on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.
Bill History: 11-12-24 S Filed
02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 296   Perry, Charles Relating to driving safety or motorcycle operator training course dismissal.
Bill History: 11-12-24 S Filed
02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Transportation

SB 297   Perry, Charles Relating to the reimbursement of expenses to certain counsel appointed to represent a defendant in a criminal proceeding.
Bill History: 11-12-24 S Filed
02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 298   Perry, Charles Relating to the carrying of weapons by community supervision and corrections department officers, juvenile probation officers, and certain retired law enforcement officers and to criminal liability for taking a weapon.
Bill History: 11-12-24 S Filed
02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 343   Eckhardt, Sarah Relating to abolishing the death penalty.
Bill History: 11-13-24 S Filed
02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 352   Eckhardt, Sarah Relating to certain proceedings or procedures involving the disposition of certain contraband or abandoned or unclaimed property.
Bill History: 11-13-24 S Filed
02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 394   Sparks, Kevin (F) Relating to the expunction of arrest records and files for certain defendants placed on deferred adjudication community supervision for the unlawful carrying of a handgun.
Bill History: 11-19-24 S Filed
02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 430   Miles, Borris Relating to the age of a child at which a juvenile court may exercise jurisdiction over the child and to the minimum age of criminal responsibility.
Bill History: 11-21-24 S Filed
02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 432   Miles, Borris Relating to the applicability of the death penalty to a capital offense committed by a person with an intellectual disability.
Bill History: 11-21-24 S Filed
02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 434   Miles, Borris Relating to the authority of the Harris County Hospital District to employ and commission peace officers.
Bill History: 11-21-24 S Filed
02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Local Government

SB 487   Alvarado, Carol Relating to the confidentiality of identifying information of victims of certain offense.
Bill History: 11-22-24 S Filed
02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 502   Perry, Charles Relating to peace officers commissioned by the Health and Human Services Commission's office of inspector general.
Bill History: 11-25-24 S Filed
02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Health and Human Services
03-05-25 S Meeting set for 8:00 A.M., SENATE CHAMBER Senate Health and Human Services

SB 535   Huffman, Joan Relating to the admissibility of evidence regarding a victim's past sexual behavior in prosecutions of certain trafficking, sexual, or assaultive offenses.
Bill History: 12-05-24 S Filed
02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 537   Johnson, Nathan Relating to the procedures for the expunction of arrest records and files for persons who complete certain court programs or pretrial intervention programs.
Bill History: 12-06-24 S Filed
02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 539   Johnson, Nathan Relating to a defendant's appearance by telephone or videoconference in a justice or municipal court.
Bill History: 12-06-24 S Filed
02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 552   Huffman, Joan Relating to changing the eligibility of certain persons to receive community supervision, including deferred adjudication community supervision.
Bill History: 12-09-24 S Filed
02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 614   Hinojosa, Chuy Relating to the authority of the Texas Forensic Science Commission to review and refer certain cases to the office of capital and forensic writs.
Bill History: 12-13-24 S Filed
02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 615   Hinojosa, Chuy Relating to the statute of limitations for sexual assault and aggravated sexual assault.
Bill History: 12-13-24 S Filed
02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 632   Eckhardt, Sarah Relating to consequences arising from a failure by appointed counsel in a criminal case to timely meet and confer with the defendant after the defendant is found competent to stand trial.
Bill History: 12-17-24 S Filed
02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 702   Hughes, Bryan Relating to the performance of autopsies on individuals with a history of epilepsy.
Bill History: 01-03-25 S Filed
02-07-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 739   Kolkhorst, Lois Relating to the definition of authorized peace officer for purposes of certain laws governing the installation and use of tracking equipment and access to certain communications.
Bill History: 01-08-25 S Filed
02-07-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 741   Huffman, Joan Relating to human trafficking, prostitution, and child pornography and to the prosecution of sexual or assaultive offenses or the prosecution of a failure to stop or report those offenses.
Bill History: 01-08-25 S Filed
02-07-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 761   Hinojosa, Chuy Relating to rights of crime victims and the enforcement of those rights.
Bill History: 01-10-25 S Filed
02-07-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 803   West, Royce Relating to a hearing for an alleged violation of community supervision by a defendant and the manner in which that defendant is required to appear before the court.
Bill History: 01-16-25 S Filed
02-07-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 807   Zaffirini, Judith Realting to the prosecution of the offense of fraudulent use or possession of credit card or debit card information.
Bill History: 01-16-25 S Filed
02-07-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 814   Zaffirini, Judith Relating to automatic orders of nondisclosure of criminal history record information for certain misdemeanor defendants following successful completion of a period of deferred adjudication.
Bill History: 01-16-25 S Filed
02-07-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 816   Huffman, Joan Relating to authorizing the disclosure of certain electronic customer data by a provider of an electronic communications service or a remote computing service in certain immediate life-threatening situations.
Bill History: 01-16-25 S Filed
02-07-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 836   Paxton, Angela Relating to victims of sex offenses, sex-based human trafficking offenses, or acts of a sexual nature and to the confidentiality of or restrictions on the availability of certain property.
Bill History: 01-17-25 S Filed
02-13-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 839   Johnson, Nathan Relating to asset forfeiture under the Code of Criminal Procedure.
Bill History: 01-17-25 S Filed
02-13-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 906   Blanco, Cesar Relating to the authority of the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo to commission peace officers.
Bill History: 01-24-25 S Filed
02-13-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 908   Blanco, Cesar Relating to the regulation of certain firearm transfers, to the unlawful possession or acquisition of a firearm or ammunition, and to report of lost or stolen firearms; creating criminal offense.
Bill History: 01-24-25 S Filed
02-13-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate State Affairs

SB 956   Parker, Tan Relating to requiring the denial of bail to a person accused of committing certain trafficking or sexual offenses against a child while released on bail for committing a similar offense.
Bill History: 01-28-25 S Filed
02-13-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 958   Parker, Tan Relating to the eligibility of certain victims of trafficking of persons or compelling prostitution for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information.
Bill History: 01-28-25 S Filed
02-13-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 993   Nichols, Robert Relating to the authority of a peace officer commissioned by the comptroller to apply for an order authorizing the installation and use of a mobile tracking device.
Bill History: 01-29-25 S Filed
02-13-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 1020   Huffman, Joan Relating to personal bond offices, to the notification provided to a judge regarding tampering with an electronic monitoring device while released on bond or community supervision.
Bill History: 01-30-25 S Filed
02-24-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 1021   Huffman, Joan Relating to changing the eligibility for community supervision of a person convicted of stalking.
Bill History: 01-30-25 S Filed
02-24-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 1047   Huffman, Joan Relating to the release of defendants on bail, the duties of a magistrate in certain criminal proceedings, and the notice provided by peace officers to victims of family violence, stalking, harassment, or terroristic threat.
Bill History: 02-03-25 S Filed
02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice
02-12-25 S Meeting set for 8:00 A.M., E1.016 Senate Criminal Justice
02-12-25 S Laid out for consideration in committee Senate Criminal Justice
02-12-25 S Committee action pending Senate Criminal Justice

SB 1075   Hall, Bob Relating to excuses from grand jury service.
Bill History: 02-04-25 S Filed
02-24-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate State Affairs

SB 1083   West, Royce Relating to the representation of an indigent person in certain criminal proceedings in certain counties.
Bill History: 02-04-25 S Filed
02-24-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 1094   Zaffirini, Judith Relating to certain sentencing procedures in a capital case.
Bill History: 02-04-25 S Filed
02-24-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 1099   Flores, Pete Relating to increasing the criminal penalty for certain offenses committed by an alien.
Bill History: 02-04-25 S Filed
02-24-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 1120   Hinojosa, Chuy Relating to rights of a victim, guardian of a victim, or close relative of a deceased victim in certain criminal cases involving family violence, sexual or assaultive offenses, stalking.
Bill History: 02-05-25 S Filed
02-24-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 1124   Huffman, Joan Relating to discovery in a criminal case.
Bill History: 02-06-25 S Filed
02-24-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 1133   Hagenbuch, Brent (F) Relating to increasing the minimum term of imprisonment and changing the eligibility for community supervision, mandatory supervision, and parole for certain persons convicted of intoxication manslaughter.
Bill History: 02-06-25 S Filed
02-24-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 1193   Nichols, Robert Relating to the applicability of sex offender registration requirements to the offense of child grooming.
Bill History: 02-10-25 S Filed
02-28-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 1203   Zaffirini, Judith Relating to public access to criminal proceedings.
Bill History: 02-10-25 S Filed
02-28-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 1210   Hughes, Bryan Relating to the jurisdiction of the Texas Supreme Court and the Court of Criminal Appeals.
Bill History: 02-10-25 S Filed
02-28-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate State Affairs

SB 1262   Nichols, Robert Relating to measures for ensuring public school safety, including the commissioning of peace officers by the Texas Education Agency, public school safety and security requirements.
Bill History: 02-13-25 S Filed
02-28-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Education K-16

SB 1300   Flores, Pete Relating to the prosecution and punishment of the criminal offense of organized retail theft.
Bill History: 02-14-25 S Filed
02-28-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 1336   Kolkhorst, Lois Relating to the amount of certain awards under the Crime Victims' Compensation Act.
Bill History: 02-18-25 S Filed
02-28-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 1362   Hughes, Bryan Relating to prohibiting the recognition, service, and enforcement of extreme risk protective orders.
Bill History: 02-18-25 S Filed

SB 1458   Hagenbuch, Brent (F) Relating to the sequestration of a jury in a criminal case.
Bill History: 02-19-25 S Filed

SB 1462   Zaffirini, Judith Relating to the placement on community supervision, including deferred adjudication community supervision, of a defendant who is the primary caretaker of a child.
Bill History: 02-20-25 S Filed

SB 1497   Nichols, Robert Relating to the search of certain wireless communication devices by a peace officer.
Bill History: 02-20-25 S Filed

SB 1498   Nichols, Robert Relating to civil asset forfeiture of digital currency or other similar property.
Bill History: 02-20-25 S Filed

SB 1515   Johnson, Nathan Relating to the expunction of all records and files related to arrests for certain decriminalized misdemeanor offenses.
Bill History: 02-21-25 S Filed

SB 1537   Zaffirini, Judith Relating to the appointment of an interpreter in a criminal proceeding.
Bill History: 02-21-25 S Filed

SB 1564   Johnson, Nathan Relating to the peace officer status of designated investigators of a municipal office of inspector general.
Bill History: 02-21-25 S Filed

SB 1573   Birdwell, Brian Relating to a limitation on the use of certain unsubstantiated information relating to peace officer misconduct.
Bill History: 02-24-25 S Filed

SB 1600   Hagenbuch, Brent (F) Relating to the authority of certain peace officers to arrest a person without a warrant while outside the officer's jurisdiction.
Bill History: 02-24-25 S Filed

SB 1610   Perry, Charles Relating to sexually violent predators, to the Texas Civil Committment Office, and to the prosecution of the offense of harassment by sexually violent predators and other persons confined in certain facilities.
Bill History: 02-25-25 S Filed

SB 1621   Huffman, Joan Relating to prosecution and punishment of certain criminal offenses prohibiting sexually explicit visual material involving depictions of children.
Bill History: 02-25-25 S Filed
02-28-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice
03-04-25 S Meeting set for 8:00 A.M., E1.016 Senate Criminal Justice

SB 1630   Flores, Pete Relating to the training of prospective grand jurors and to grand jury proceedings.
Bill History: 02-25-25 S Filed

SB 1638   Zaffirini, Judith Relating to sexual assault and other sex offenses.
Bill History: 02-25-25 S Filed

SB 1647   Hughes, Bryan Relating to the practice and procedures for summoning prospective grand jurors and petit jurors and the exemption of certain persons from grand jury and petit jury services.
Bill History: 02-26-25 S Filed

SB 1658   Gutierrez, Roland Relating to regulating certain firearm transfers, possession of certain firearms, and protective orders prohibiting possession of a firearm.
Bill History: 02-26-25 S Filed

SB 1659   Hughes, Bryan Relating to requiring a warrant to search certain location information purchased by a governmental entity from a data broker or electronic personal data tracker.
Bill History: 02-26-25 S Filed

SB 1660   Huffman, Joan Relating to the retention and preservation of toxicological evidence of certain intoxication offenses.
Bill History: 02-26-25 S Filed

SB 1727   Perry, Charles Relating to the protection and detention of a juvenile who engages in delinquent conduct or commits a felony offense while committed to the custody of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department.
Bill History: 02-27-25 S Filed

SJR 45   Parker, Tan Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to enact laws providing for the denial of bail to a person accused of committing a trafficking or sexual offense against a child.
Bill History: 01-28-25 S Filed
02-13-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

- End of Report -

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