Bill Status Report
03-06-2025 - 18:53:53

- Indicates action since the request date.

Track: STAR   

HB 153   Raymond, Richard Relating to the eligibility of service members and veterans to participate in a veterans treatment court program.
Bill History: 02-27-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Corrections

HB 184   Guillen, Ryan Relating to student loan repayment assistance for certain prosecuting attorneys who are employed as part of the border prosecution unit.
Bill History: 02-27-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Higher Education

HB 204   Tepper, Carl Relating to the total annual salary from state and county sources for certain state prosecutors.
Bill History: 02-27-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence

HB 309   Leo-Wilson, Terri Relating to the use by a political subdivision of public funds for lobbying and certain other activities.
Bill History: 02-28-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House State Affairs

HB 318   Guillen, Ryan Relating to the establishment of grant programs to provide financial assistance to qualified sheriff's departments in certain rural counties.
Bill History: 03-10-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., E2.028 House Subcommittee on County Governm

HB 503   Tepper, Carl Relating to the eligibility of certain counties to participate in the rural sheriff's office salary assistance grant program and the rural prosecutor's office salary assistance grant program.
Bill History: 03-10-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., E2.028 House Subcommittee on County Governm

HB 571   Cain, Briscoe Relating to the use by a political subdivision of public funds for lobbying and certain other activities.
Bill History: 03-03-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House State Affairs

HB 652   Harris Davila, Caroline Relating to prohibited uses of public money by certain municipalities and counties that reduce or reallocate funding or resources for certain law enforcement agencies.
Bill History: 03-04-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Intergovernmental Affairs

HB 671   Shaheen, Matt Relating to the use by a political subdivision of public funds for lobbying and certain other activities.
Bill History: 03-04-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House State Affairs

HB 755   Spiller, David Relating to certain requirements applicable to certain public entities that engage in lobbying.
Bill History: 03-05-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House State Affairs

HB 773   Moody, Joe Relating to the authority of a court to grant a commutation of punishment to certain individuals serving a term of imprisonment.
Bill History: 03-05-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Criminal Jurisprudence

HB 901   Harrison, Brian Relating to a limitation on the salary paid to officers and employees of this state and political subdivisions of this state.
Bill History: 03-06-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House State Affairs

HB 910   DeAyala, Emilio Relating to the venue for the prosecution of an election offense.
Bill History: 03-06-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Elections

HB 916   Harrison, Brian Relating to the tracking, reporting, and disposition of proceeds and property from asset forfeiture proceedings under the Code of Criminal Procedure.
Bill History: 03-06-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Criminal Jurisprudence

HB 933   Spiller, David Relating to the jurisdiction of the Texas Supreme Court and the Court of Criminal Appeals.
Bill History: 03-06-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence

HB 1004   Toth, Steve Relating to the duty of the attorney general to prosecute certain criminal offenses.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 1189   Troxclair, Ellen Relating to the use by a political subdivision of public funds for lobbying and certain other activities.
Bill History: 11-12-24 H Filed

HB 1294   Patterson, Jared Relating to the use by a political subdivision of public funds for lobbying and certain other activities.
Bill History: 11-13-24 H Filed

HB 1325   Vasut, Cody Relating to transfer of students who are children of certain judges, prosecuting attorneys, and servicemembers.
Bill History: 11-14-24 H Filed

HB 1588   Leo-Wilson, Terri Relating to training requirements for certain public officials and candidates for public office.
Bill History: 12-11-24 H Filed

HB 1761   Leach, Jeff Relating to the discipline of judges by the State Commission on Judicial Conduct, notice of certain reprimands, judicial compensation and related retirement benefits.
Bill History: 01-07-25 H Filed

HB 1845   Orr, Angelia Relating to the use of funds from the rural prosecutor's office salary assistance grant program.
Bill History: 01-14-25 H Filed

HB 1852   Collier, Nicole Relating to authority of a court to reduce or modify a defendant's sentence.
Bill History: 01-15-25 H Filed

HB 1953   Thompson, Senfronia Relating to rights of crime victims and the enforcement of those rights.
Bill History: 01-17-25 H Filed

HB 2005   Toth, Steve Relating to a limitation on the salary paid to officers and employees of this state and political subdivisions of this state.
Bill History: 01-22-25 H Filed

HB 2064   Holt, Janis (F) Relating to the discipline of judges by the State Commission on Judicial Conduct, notice of certain reprimands, judicial compensation and related retirement benefits, and the reporting.
Bill History: 01-24-25 H Filed

HB 2115   Ashby, Trent Relating to the rural sheriff's office, rural constable's office, and rural prosecutor's office salary assistance grant programs.
Bill History: 01-27-25 H Filed

HB 2172   Harris, Cody Relating to a limitation on the use of certain unsubstantiated information relating to peace officer misconduct.
Bill History: 01-28-25 H Filed

HB 2216   Hull, Lacey Relating to procedures and grounds related to the removal and placement of children, including for terminating the parent-child relationship, for taking possession of a child, and for certain hearings.
Bill History: 01-29-25 H Filed

HB 2287   Oliverson, Tom Relating to liability of judges and magistrates for the improper release on personal bond of defendants accused of committing certain felony offenses.
Bill History: 01-30-25 H Filed

HB 2309   Villalobos, Denise (F) Relating to the forfeiture of certain contraband and the authority of the attorney general to bring certain forfeiture actions.
Bill History: 01-31-25 H Filed

HB 2322   Schofield, Mike Relating to the annual base salary from the state of a district judge.
Bill History: 02-03-25 H Filed

HB 2388   Kerwin, Helen (F) Relating to the definition of a governmental body for the purposes of the public information law.
Bill History: 02-04-25 H Filed

HB 2460   Leach, Jeff Relating to the attorney general's defense of a district or county attorney against certain lawsuits in federal court.
Bill History: 02-05-25 H Filed

HB 2566   Spiller, David Relating to the enforcement of state and federal immigration laws by state agencies, local entities, and peace officers.
Bill History: 02-07-25 H Filed

HB 2707   Gervin-Hawkins, Barbara Relating to the licensing and regulation of certain legal paraprofessionals.
Bill History: 02-12-25 H Filed

HB 2715   Curry, Pat (F) Relating to the suspension and removal from office of certain elected officials of this state or a political subdivision of this state.
Bill History: 02-12-25 H Filed

HB 2772   Thompson, Senfronia Relating to an affirmative defense to prosecution for victims of certain offenses.
Bill History: 02-13-25 H Filed

HB 2813   Alders, Daniel (F) Relating to victim notification of certain scheduled court proceedings.
Bill History: 02-13-25 H Filed

HB 2940   Jones, Venton Relating to the award of good conduct time to certain inmates.
Bill History: 02-18-25 H Filed

HB 2951   Lozano, Jose Relating to the rural sheriff's office and constable's office salary assistance grant programs.
Bill History: 02-18-25 H Filed

HB 3000   King, Ken Relating to a grant program to provide financial assistance to qualified ambulance service providers in certain rural counties.
Bill History: 02-19-25 H Filed

HB 3166   Cook, David Relating to the authority of a court to grant a commutation of punishment to certain individuals serving a term of imprisonment and to victims' rights regarding a motion to grant a commutation.
Bill History: 02-21-25 H Filed

HB 3253   Pierson, Katrina (F) Relating to the rural constable's office salary assistance grant program.
Bill History: 02-24-25 H Filed

HB 3257   Olcott, Mike (F) Relating to the use by a political subdivision of public funds for lobbying and certain other activities.
Bill History: 02-24-25 H Filed

HB 3330   Cook, David Relating to discovery in a criminal case.
Bill History: 02-25-25 H Filed

HB 3362   Little, Mitch (F) Relating to grand jury proceedings.
Bill History: 02-26-25 H Filed

HB 3476   Troxclair, Ellen Relating to the definition of population for the purpose of the rural sheriff's office, constable's office, and prosecutor's office salary assistance grant program.
Bill History: 02-27-25 H Filed

HB 3615   Schatzline, Nate Relating to the use by certain public entities of public funds for lobbying and certain other activities.
Bill History: 03-03-25 H Filed

HB 3640   Lowe, David (F) Relating to the prosecution of an offense committed by a peace officer acting in the course and scope of the officer's official duties.
Bill History: 03-03-25 H Filed

HB 3664   Smithee, John Relating to the training of prospective grand jurors and to grand jury proceedings.
Bill History: 03-04-25 H Filed

HB 3675   Cook, David Relating to consideration of criminal history of applicants for public employment.
Bill History: 03-04-25 H Filed

HB 3912   Morales, Eddie Relating to the exemption of certain firefighters and police officers from jury service.
Bill History: 03-06-25 H Filed

HJR 15   Smithee, John Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the denial of bail under limited circumstances to a person accused of certain violent or sexual offenses or of continuous trafficking of persons.
Bill History: 03-06-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Criminal Jurisprudence

HJR 16   Smithee, John Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the denial of bail for an illegal alien charged with an offense punishable as a felony.
Bill History: 03-06-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Criminal Jurisprudence

HJR 60   Moody, Joe Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to enact laws providing for a court to grant a commutation of punishment to certain individuals serving a term of imprisonment.
Bill History: 03-04-25 H Introduced and referred to committee on House Criminal Jurisprudence

HJR 103   Leo-Wilson, Terri Proposing a constitutional amendment specifying the authority of the attorney general to prosecute a criminal offense prescribed by the election laws of this state.
Bill History: 12-05-24 H Filed

HJR 113   Collier, Nicole Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to enact laws providing for a district court to reduce or modify a sentence imposing a term of imprisonment for a person.
Bill History: 01-15-25 H Filed

HJR 115   Cook, David Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the denial of bail under some circumstances to a person accused of a violent or sexual offense or of continuous trafficking of persons.
Bill History: 01-16-25 H Filed

HJR 141   Leo-Wilson, Terri Proposing a constitutional amendment abolishing the automatic resignation of certain municipal, county, or district officeholders if they become candidates for another office.
Bill History: 02-19-25 H Filed

HJR 148   Cook, David Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to enact laws providing for a court to grant a commutation of punishment to certain individuals serving a term of imprisonment.
Bill History: 02-21-25 H Filed

HJR 150   Lowe, David (F) Proposing a constitutional amendment specifying the authority of the attorney general to prosecute any criminal offense prescribed by the laws of this state.
Bill History: 02-21-25 H Filed

HJR 160   Morgan, Matthew (F) Proposing a constitutional amendment specifying the authority of the attorney general to prosecute a criminal offense prescribed by the election laws of this state.
Bill History: 02-28-25 H Filed

HJR 162   Lowe, David (F) Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the attorney general to prosecute a criminal offense committed by a peace officer acting in the course and scope of the officer's official duties.
Bill History: 03-03-25 H Filed

SB 3   Perry, Charles Relating to the regulation of consumable hemp products and the hemp-derived cannabinoids contained in those products.
Bill History: 03-03-25 S Committee action pending Senate State Affairs

SB 19   Middleton, Mayes Relating to the use by a political subdivision of public funds for lobbying and certain other activities.
Bill History: 03-06-25 S First placement on Senate Intent Calendar for

SB 223   West, Royce Relating to student loan repayment assistance for certain prosecuting attorneys who are employed as part of the border prosecution unit.
Bill History: 02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Education K-16

SB 239   Middleton, Mayes Relating to the use by a political subdivision of public funds for lobbying and certain other activities.
Bill History: 02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate State Affairs

SB 293   Huffman, Joan Relating to the discipline of judges by the State Commission on Judicial Conduct, notice of certain reprimands, judicial compensation and related retirement benefits, and the reporting of certain judicial transparency information.
Bill History: 03-05-25 S Voted favorably from committee as substituted Senate Finance

SB 330   Huffman, Joan Relating to an election to approve a reduction or reallocation of funding or resources for certain county prosecutors' offfices.
Bill History: 02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 411   Middleton, Mayes Relating to training requirements for certain public officials and candidates for public office.
Bill History: 02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate State Affairs

SB 474   Middleton, Mayes Relating to revocation of a prosecuting attorney's license to practice law in this state on a court's finding the attorney committed certain official misconduct.
Bill History: 02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate State Affairs

SB 589   West, Royce Relating to consideration of criminal history of applicants for public employment.
Bill History: 02-03-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Business and Commerce

SB 758   Middleton, Mayes Relating to the definition of a governmental body for the purposes of the public information law.
Bill History: 02-07-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Business and Commerce

SB 761   Hinojosa, Chuy Relating to rights of crime victims and the enforcement of those rights.
Bill History: 02-07-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 846   Hughes, Bryan Relating to the duty of the attorney general to prosecute certain criminal offenses.
Bill History: 02-13-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Jurisprudence

SB 888   Kolkhorst, Lois Relating to the attorney general's defense of a district or county attorney against certain lawsuits in federal court.
Bill History: 03-05-25 S Recommended for Local/Uncontested Calendar

SB 1026   Hughes, Bryan Relating to the duty of the attorney general to prosecute criminal offenses prescribed by the election laws of this state.
Bill History: 02-24-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate State Affairs

SB 1124   Huffman, Joan Relating to discovery in a criminal case.
Bill History: 02-24-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 1189   Hinojosa, Adam (F) Relating to the exemption of certain firefighters and police officers from jury service.
Bill History: 02-28-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate State Affairs

SB 1210   Hughes, Bryan Relating to the jurisdiction of the Texas Supreme Court and the Court of Criminal Appeals.
Bill History: 02-28-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate State Affairs

SB 1278   Parker, Tan Relating to an affirmative defense to prosecution for victims of certain offenses.
Bill History: 02-28-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 1367   Hughes, Bryan Relating to the appointment, duties, and removal of the state prosecuting attorney.
Bill History: 03-06-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate State Affairs

SB 1377   Perry, Charles Relating to a grant program to provide financial assistance to qualified ambulance providers in certain rural counties.
Bill History: 03-06-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Finance

SB 1420   Nichols, Robert Relating to the use by a county, municipality, or school district of public money for lobbying activities.
Bill History: 03-06-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate State Affairs

SB 1440   Bettencourt, Paul Relating to required reporting of certain discretionary prosecutorial decisions by prosecuting attorneys.
Bill History: 03-06-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 1471   Hall, Bob Relating to the rural constable's office salary assistance grant program.
Bill History: 03-06-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Finance

SB 1482   Hinojosa, Adam (F) Relating to the rural sheriff's office and constable's office salary assistance grant programs.
Bill History: 03-06-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Finance

SB 1573   Birdwell, Brian Relating to a limitation on the use of certain unsubstantiated information relating to peace officer misconduct.
Bill History: 03-06-25 S Introduced and referred to committee on Senate Criminal Justice

SB 1610   Perry, Charles Relating to sexually violent predators, to the Texas Civil Committment Office, and to the prosecution of the offense of harassment by sexually violent predators and other persons confined in certain facilities.
Bill History: 02-25-25 S Filed

SB 1630   Flores, Pete Relating to the training of prospective grand jurors and to grand jury proceedings.
Bill History: 02-25-25 S Filed

SB 1650   Flores, Pete Relating to the authority of the attorney general to prosecute certain criminal offenses against public order.
Bill History: 02-26-25 S Filed

SB 1651   Hughes, Bryan Relating to the rural sheriff's office salary assistance grant program.
Bill History: 02-26-25 S Filed

SB 1660   Huffman, Joan Relating to the retention and preservation of toxicological evidence of certain intoxication offenses.
Bill History: 02-26-25 S Filed

SB 1695   Hall, Bob Relating to the use by a political subdivision of money for lobbying and certain other activities.
Bill History: 02-27-25 S Filed

SB 1861   Hughes, Bryan Relating to the appointment of a special prosecutor by the court of criminal appeals for certain criminal cases.
Bill History: 03-04-25 S Filed

SJR 1   Huffman, Joan Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the denial of bail for an illegal alien charged with an offense punishable as a felony.
Bill History: 02-20-25 H Received in the House

SJR 5   Huffman, Joan Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the denial of bail under limited circumstances to a person accused of certain violent or sexual offenses or of continuous trafficking of persons.
Bill History: 02-20-25 S Passed (Vote: Y: 28/N: 2)

SJR 17   Huffman, Joan Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the denial of bail under limited circumstances to a person accused of certain violent or sexual offenses or of continuous trafficking of persons.
Bill History: 02-07-25 S Removed from hearing 02/12/25 Senate Criminal Justice

SJR 49   Huffman, Joan Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the denial of bail for an illegal alien charged with an offense punishable as a felony.
Bill History: 02-07-25 S Removed from hearing 02/12/25 Senate Criminal Justice

- End of Report -

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