Legislative Updates

Each week during Texas legislative sessions, TDCAA recaps the most important news and events. Look to this page for current and past issues of TDCAA’s Legislative Updates.

For information concerning legislation filed during the 87th Regular Session, visit the state legislature’s web site or e-mail Shannon Edmonds, Director of Governmental Relations, or call him at (512) 474-2436.


TDCAA Legislative Update: Week 12, Part II

March 29, 2019

This addendum to our most recent legislative update includes notice of committee hearings on several bills that were not previously posted, including:

  • HB 482 by S. Thompson (D-Houston) prohibiting arrests for fine-only offenses
  • HB 1399 by Smith (R-Van Alstyne) authorizing the collection of DNA samples from certain arrestees
  • HB 1771 by Thierry (D-Houston) prohibiting arrest, referral, or prosecution of a person younger than 18 for prostitution
  • HB 2003 by Leach (R-Plano) limiting local governments’ contingent fee contracts
  • HB 2048 by Zerwas (R-Richmond) repealing the Driver Responsibility Program
  • HB 3582 by Murr (R-Junction) authorizing deferred adjudication for certain first-time DWI offenders
  • HB 4189 by Middleton (R-Wallisville) limiting the duty to report suspected child abuse
  • SB 891 by Huffman (R-Houston) creating various new court and prosecutor offices

Read on for details!

Updated committee hearing notices

Here are summaries of the relevant committee notices posted for next week, with new additions in italics:

Monday, April 1

House Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence – 8:00 a.m., Room E2.026

  • HB 504 by Dutton providing employment protection for persons serving on grand juries
  • HB 2003 by Leach requiring OAG approval of local governments’ contingency fee agreements
  • HB 2730 by Leach narrowing the scope of the Texas Citizens Participation Act (TCPA)
  • HB 3336 by Leach relating to practices and procedures in civil cases
  • HB 2350 by Capriglione relating to the prohibition of abortion
  • HB 1531 by Neave creating a specialty court for sexual assault victim services
  • HB 1196 by Meza changing statutory references from “marihuana” to “cannabis”
  • HB 978 by Beckley repealing the criminal offense of homosexual conduct

House Agriculture & Livestock – 8:00 a.m., E2.036

  • HB 989 by Guillen legalizing and regulating industrial hemp
  • HB 1230 by Dominguez legalizing and regulating hemp and hemp products
  • HB 1325 by T. King legalizing and regulating hemp and hemp products
  • HB 1657 by Gutierrez legalizing and regulating hemp and hemp products

Senate State Affairs – 9:00 a.m., Senate Chamber

  • SB 205 by Perry relating to lists of noncitizens excused or disqualified from jury service
  • SB 362 by Huffman relating to civil commitments for outpatient treatment in criminal cases
  • SB 466 by Fallon clarifying ex-felons’ ineligibility to run for certain elective offices
  • SB 751 by Hughes criminalizing the creation of a deceptive video for use in an election
  • SB 891 by Huffman, the omnibus court-creation and local prosecutor jurisdiction bill
  • SB 903 by Hughes relating to election integrity
  • SB 904 by Hughes banning the use of governmental communications for political advertising
  • SB 1728 by Huffman authorizing an interim study on judicial selection methods
  • SB 1887 by Huffman allowing juvenile courts to transfer cases to CPS courts

House State Affairs – 10:30 a.m. or upon adjournment, E2.028

  • HB 1784 by Capriglione requiring employee training on records storage and management
  • HB 2401 by Deshotel mandating employee training on cybersecurity
  • HB 2965 by Toth addressing State v. Doyal on walking quorums
  • HB 3402 by Phelan addressing State v. Doyal on walking quorums
  • HB 3752 by Walle relating to public information laws during catastrophic events
  • HB 3834 by Capriglione requiring cybersecurity training for state and local gov’t employees

House Criminal Jurisprudence – 2:00 p.m., E2.012

  • HB 15 by S. Thompson, omnibus human trafficking bill
  • HB 221 by Gervin-Hawkins expanding pool of lawyers qualified for death penalty cases
  • HB 261 by Frank expanding capital murder to include the murder of children under 15
  • HB 300 by Murr relating to JPs’ inquest summary reports
  • HB 309 by Moody creating the offense of indecent assault
  • HB 335 by Dutton reducing the penalty for POM < 1 oz. to a Class C misdemeanor
  • HB 371 by Allen reducing the penalty for POM < 1 oz. to a Class C misdemeanor
  • HB 753 by Wu reducing the penalty for POM < 0.35 oz. (10g) to a Class C misdemeanor
  • HB 981 by Parker relating to money laundering of digital currency
  • HB 1088 by Geren increasing certain habitual misdemeanor offenses
  • HB 1206 by Cole reducing all marijuana possession penalties by one degree
  • HB 1320 by Moody requiring mental health diversion courts in larger counties
  • HB 1573 by Raney expanding capital murder to include the murder of EMS personnel
  • HB 1812 by Murr revising indigent funding to counties
  • HB 2130 by Walle requiring findings before ordering reimbursement for appointed counsel
  • HB 2131 by Walle removing public defender’s duty to share clients’ financial condition with the court
  • HB 2164 by Burns creating penalties for business owners who ban peace officers from carrying firearms
  • HB 2427 by Reynolds creating a right for defense lawyers to be in the grand jury
  • HB 2518 by Toth reducing the penalty for POM < 2 oz. to a Class C misdemeanor
  • HB 2894 by Collier relating to the prosecution of health care fraud
  • HB 2937 by Sheffield enhancing aggravated assault with DW and SBI to a 1st-degree felony
  • HB 3590 by Hunter increasing punishments for various prostitution and trafficking offenses
  • HB 3637 by Guillen protecting the mailing address of an applicant for an order of emergency protection
  • HB 3827 by Sherman clarifying when the Office of Capital and Forensic Writs can be appointed
  • HJR 108 by Canales proposing a constitutional amendment to legalize cannabis

Tuesday, April 2

House Human Services – 8:00 a.m., E2.030

  • HB 3331 by Frank limiting terminations of the parent-child relationship
  • HB 4188 by Middleton barring certain CPS interviews of children at school
  • HB 4189 by Middleton limiting the duty to report suspected child abuse

Licensing & Administrative Procedure – 8:00 a.m., E2.028

  • HB 2303 by Moody re-defining “bet” for the purposes of legalizing fantasy sports gambling

Senate Criminal Justice – 1:30 p.m., E1.016

  • SB 719 by Fallon expanding capital murder to include the murder of children under 15
  • SB 1147 by Buckingham authorizing medication-assisted treatment in DWI cases
  • SB 1154 by Perry relating to the Texas Civil Commitment Office
  • SB 1259 by Huffman adding assisted reproduction fraud to the offense of sexual assault
  • SB 1820 by Huffman revising the offense of impersonating a public servant

Wednesday, April 3

House Homeland Security & Public Safety – 8:00 a.m., E2.016

  • HB 107 by Raymond creating a DWI offender database at DPS
  • HB 264 by Blanco requiring DPS to track and report certain border security data
  • HB 482 by S. Thompson prohibiting arrests for fine-only offenses
  • HB 887 by S. Thompson revising legal standards for officers’ use of force
  • HB 943 by Dutton requiring peace officers to sign their offense reports and supplements
  • HB 1399 by Smith authorizing the collection of DNA samples from certain arrestees
  • HB 2015 by Dutton limiting the use of SWAT teams
  • HB 2048 by Zerwas repealing and replacing DPS’s Driver Responsibility Program with fines
  • HB 3016 by Schaefer legalizing holstered handguns in LTC licensee’s vehicles
  • HB 3231 by Clardy limiting cities’ and counties’ regulation of their employees carrying at work
  • HB 3800 by S. Thompson requiring the reporting of human trafficking data in larger counties

House Juvenile Justice & Family Issues – 10:30 a.m. or upon adjournment, E2.012

  • HB 1771 by Thierry prohibiting referral or prosecution for prostitution by a person under 18
  • HB 3525 by Rose destroying all juvenile records of victims of sex trafficking

House Public Health – 10:30 a.m. or upon adjournment, E2.026

  • HB 75 by Minjarez creating an exception to drug paraphernalia charges for needle exchanges
  • HB 1268 by Lucio III relating to dangerous wild animals

Thursday, April 4

House Corrections – 8:00 a.m., Room E2.030

  • HB 1343 by Leach expanding the offense of improper inmate contact to cases with adult victims
  • HB 2012 by Lucio III imposing certain conditions of supervision for animal-related offenses
  • HB 3078 by S. Thompson relating to clemency for offenders who were also victims of human trafficking or family violence
  • HB 3582 by Murr authorizing deferred adjudication for certain DWI offenders
  • HB 3831 by Sherman banning probation revocation for certain technical violations
  • HB 4044 by Dominguez changing CSCD funding for pretrial diversions

House County Affairs – 9:00 a.m., E2.028

  • HB 1662 by Herrero relating to grants for monitoring family violence defendants
  • HB 4468 by Coleman relating to county criminal justice reform
  • HB 4567 by Coleman relating to county issues

If you want to learn more about a bill or find out how to get involved for or against it, contact Shannon for details.