Legislative Updates

Each week during Texas legislative sessions, TDCAA recaps the most important news and events. Look to this page for current and past issues of TDCAA’s Legislative Updates.

For information concerning legislation filed during the 87th Regular Session, visit the state legislature’s web site or e-mail Shannon Edmonds, Director of Governmental Relations, or call him at (512) 474-2436.


TDCAA Legislative Update: Week 18.1

May 16, 2021

Two more weeks. We can do this.

Floor calendars

Bills up for consideration on the Senate floor Monday, May 17 and Tuesday, May 18 include:

  • SB 1388 by Creighton relating to the unlawful disclosure of an autopsy photo
  • SB 1741 by Birdwell increasing penalties for various conduct related to riots and protests
  • HB 135 by Minjarez/Miles notifying child abuse suspects of their right to record a CPS interview
  • HB 2106 by Perez/Zaffirini relating to payment card fraud
  • HB 2112 by Metcalf/Springer removing “shoulder or belt” from Penal Code references to holsters

All the bills calendared for possible consideration on the Senate floor can be found here; the list changes daily, so check back for updates as needed. See Friday’s update for bills that will be debated on the House floor early next week.

Committee notices

Committees will hear bills on very short (if any) notice this week, with some committees meeting twice. Here’s what we know as of now:

Monday, May 17
Senate State Affairs – 9:00 a.m., Senate Chamber
HB 956 by Dutton allowing long knives in bars, amusement parks, and churches
HB 2593 by Moody creating a new (lower) penalty group for THC edibles, vapes, and concentrates
HB 2924 by Dutton limiting the grounds for involuntary termination of parental rights
HB 2926 by Parker relating to the reinstatement of parental rights
HB 3046 by Middleton prohibiting state and local officials from cooperating in certain federal acts

Tuesday, May 18
House State Affairs – 8:00 a.m., Capitol Extension Auditorium (E1.004)
SB 149 by Powell relating to unmanned aircraft over certain facilities
SB 576 by Hinojosa relating to the offense of smuggling of persons
SB 1254 by Hall creating an interstate compact on border security and immigration enforcement

Senate Criminal Justice – 8:30 a.m., E1.016
HB 9 by Klick increasing the penalty for obstructing a highway in certain circumstances
HB 80 by Jarvis Johnson authorizing discharge of certain JP/muni fines and costs through community service
HB 148 by Toth increasing the statute of limitations for aggravated assault and assault–family violence
HB 187 by Thompson authorizing subsequent writs with the consent of the prosecutor
HB 465 by Shaheen eliminating parole for certain human trafficking defendants convicted at trial
HB 686 by Moody granting retroactive early parole consideration to certain youthful violent/sex offenders
HB 787 by Allen removing certain conditions of community supervisions
HB 1172 by Howard granting sexual assault victims certain additional rights
HB 2366 by Buckley creating additional crimes for conduct that endangers peace officers
HB 2462 by Neave relating to forensic sexual assault examinations
HB 2555 by Neave relating to statewide tracking of sexual assault examinations
HB 2781 by A. Johnson creating an aggravated assault enhancement for mass shootings

Wednesday, May 19
House Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence – 9:00 a.m., Room E2.014
SB 41 by Zaffirini relating to the consolidation and allocation of civil court costs

For a full agenda of all the bills to be heard at each meeting listed above, click the link in the committee’s name; the text of each individual bill will be accessible on that notice by clicking the bill number.
